A.P.W. Merchandise

Welcome to our online merchant shop.  We offer class materials (at cost) to those who are seeking the truth. 

We also provide additional merchandise for sale in order to keep our doors open. 

Looking for anything specific feel free to reach out to us. We provide custom orders for T-Shirts, Designs and any unique ideas you may have, in order to promote the true gospel.  

Archetype Pattern Workshop


True preaching and teaching in the Name of Yahshua the Messiah is performed by one employing the correct names, and having a profound knowledge of the Divine Purpose and Plan of Yahweh according to the Law and the Prophets (True Scripture) (the Scriptures from Genesis through Malachi 

This work explains how Yahweh-Elohim is the archetype pattern by which every aspect of life, law and matter can be explained and verified using the natural sciences, physics, cosmology, ontology, current human events, as well as by what is written within the holy bible. A study of this archetype pattern is the missing link between science and spirituality. 

This universal pattern provides proof of the existence of Yahweh, our inseparable relationship with this source, and the operation of a purpose and plan.

Our lectures are opened to the public. Feel free to contact us if you would like to visit during our lecture hours shown below.

1816 E. Elma Court

Ontario, CA

Lecture Hours


7:00PM - 9:00PM


7:30PM - 9:30PM


10AM - 12:00PM